Network Supervisor's Toolkit
Network Supervisor's Toolkit.iso
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461 lines
//│ The Aurora Editor v1.20 - Menu definitions │
//│ │
//│ Please keep a backup copy of this file. │
//│ │
//│ For a description of these menu definitions and how to change │
//│ them, select the "Key/Mouse/Trans Config" item from the "Help" │
//│ pull-down menu. Then then select "Defining Menus" from the │
//│ submenu. │
//│ │
//│ If you have changed any menu definitions, save this file and │
//│ select "Restore Settings" from the "Set" pulldown menu. Exit and │
//│ and re-enter the editor for your changes to take effect. │
// edit window menu bar and tool bar
fun EditMen (
winmen @ @ %&File %&Window %&Block %&Search %F&old %&Edit %&Clip
%&Print %Se&t %M&acro %&Help.
winmen @ 1 %<&&≡> %<&&?> %<&&*> %<&&/> %<&&─> %<&&|> %<&&o> %<&&s>
%<&&F> %<&&f> %<&&r> %<&&«> %<&&»> %<&&>> %<&&<>.
// file manager window menu bar
fun FmgrMen (
winmen @ @ %&File %&Window %&Mark %&Command %&Sort %&Print %Se&t
%M&acro %&Help.
// pull-down menus for edit windows
" &New Ctrl-N|newf"
" &Open.. Alt-E|askopen"
" Open and &Insert.. Alt-I|askopenins"
" Open &Binary..|askopenb"
" Open Las&t Alt-Z|openlast"
" &Rename.. Alt-N|askname"
" &Save F3|save"
" Sa&ve As..|asksaveas"
" &File Manager.. F4|fmgr"
" Ne&xt Ctrl-Del|fnex"
" &Prev Ctrl-Ins|fpre"
" &List.. Alt-(-)|flis"
" &Close Alt-Q|quit %p"
" Close &All Alt-X|gquit %p"
" Sav&e and Close Ctrl-X|quit %f"
" Save an&d Close All |gquit %f"
" Abo&ut..|about"
" &Restore|wres"
" &Move/Size Ctrl-F5|wkey"
" P&an Ctrl-F6|wkey %p"
" M&inimize|wmin"
" Ma&ximize Ctrl-Z|wmax"
" &Next Ctrl-A|wnex"
" &Prev|wpre"
" &List.. Alt-W|wlis"
" &Copy Ctrl-C|wcopy"
" Split Hor&z Alt-H|wspl %h"
" Split Ver&t Alt-V|wspl %v"
" Ca&scade Shift-F5|wcasc"
" Tile &Horz Shift-F4|wtileh"
" Tile &Vert Shift-F3|wtilev"
" Tool &Bar Ctrl-F8|wtool"
" St&yle Toggle Ctrl-F7|wsty"
" Pr&ompt Toggle|wppt"
" Mark &Line Alt-L|mset %l"
" Mark &Column Alt-B|mset %r"
" Mark C&haracter Alt-A|mset %s"
" Mark &Word Alt-1|wrdmrk Cset"
" Mark to &EOL Alt-2|meol"
" Mark &Paragraph Alt-3|mpgh %tb"
" &Unmark Alt-U|mdes"
" Mar&k.. |mens %editMark"
" &Copy Alt-C|mcpy"
" &Overlay Alt-O|mmov %o"
" &Move Alt-M|mmov"
" Mo&ve Over Ctrl-M|mmov %of"
" &Delete Alt-D|mdel"
" &Indent Shift-F8|mshf 1"
" Uninden&t Shift-F7|mshf -1"
" &Fill Ctrl-K-F|askmfill"
" &Reflow Alt-R|mrfl %b"
" Reflow R&Just Alt-Y|mrfl %br"
" S&ave.. Ctrl-K-S|msave"
" &Sort Ctrl-K-O|msrt"
" Lo&wercase|mcase %l"
" U&ppercase Ctrl-K-U|mcase %u"
" &Left Justify|mjust"
" Ri&ght Justify|mjust %r"
" Ce&nter Ctrl-K-C|mjust %c"
" &Find.. F5 or Ctrl-F|askfind"
" Re&place.. Ctrl-G|askrpl"
" &Repeat Last Find/Repl Ctrl-L|finl"
" &Scan Files.. Ctrl-S|askscan"
" &Quick Bookmark Ctrl-2|bset"
" Pre&v Bookmark Ctrl-6|bget"
" Place &Bookmark..|askbset"
" &Go to Bookmark..|askbget"
" Go to &Line.. Ctrl-J|askglin"
" Go to &Column..|askgcol"
" Go to Bloc&k Start Ctrl-B|mloc @ %t"
" Go to Block En&d|mloc @ %b"
" Go to Ne&xt Fold Alt-7|cfld"
" G&o to Prev Fold|cfld %r"
" Find &Matching Char Alt-F3|finm"
" Go to Compiler &Error Alt-F7|finc %m"
" &Fold Next Line Alt-8|lfld %b"
" Fold &Prev Line|lfld %t"
" Fold &Block Alt-F|mfld %f"
" Fold Bloc&k Flat|mfld %uaf"
" &Unfold Line Alt-G|lfld %u"
" Unfold &Line Flat|lfld %ua"
" Unfold Ne&xt Line Alt-9|lfld %bs"
" Unfold Pre&v Line|lfld %ts"
" Unfold Blo&ck|mfld %u"
" Unfold Block Fla&t|mfld %ua"
" Unfold &All Alt-0|mflda %ua"
" &Undo Ctrl-U|undo"
" &Redo Ctrl-Y|undo %r"
" &Insert Line Ctrl-Enter|lins %a"
" &Delete Line Ctrl-Baksp|ldel"
" &Split Line Alt-S|lspl"
" &Join Line Alt-J|ljoin"
" &Erase to End F6|leol"
" Delete Right &Word Ctrl-T|wrddel CSet"
" Du&plicate Line Alt-4|ldup"
" Sw&ap Lines Alt-5|lswp"
" Ce&nter Line Alt-6|lcen"
" &Comment Line Alt-F1|lcom"
" Enter &Literal.. Ctrl-[|lit"
" Ascii C&hart.. Alt-=|wasc"
" Date/&Time Stamp Ctrl-K-T|stamp"
" E&xpand Tabs Ctrl-K-X|exptab"
" Cu&t Grey-|clpcpy %d"
" Cut &Append Ctrl-Grey-|clpcpy %ad"
" &Copy Grey+|clpcpy"
" Cop&y Append Ctrl-Grey+|clpcpy %a"
" &Paste Grey*|clppst"
" Paste &Over Ctrl-Grey*|clppst %o"
" C&lear Ctrl-Grey/|clpclr"
" Clip&board..|*askclp"
" &Print Ctrl-P|print"
" Print &Block Alt-P|print %m"
" Print &Formfeed|prtstr (byte 12)"
" Print &Settings..|*askprtset"
" 80 cols x 1&4 rows|*vfont 80 14"
" 80 cols x 2&1 rows|*vfont 80 21"
" 80 cols x 2&5 rows|*vfont 80 25"
" 80 cols x 2&8 rows|*vfont 80 28"
" 80 cols x 4&3 rows|*vfont 80 43"
" 80 cols x 5&0 rows|*vfont 80 50"
" 40 cols x &25 rows|*vfont 40 25"
// Note: do not change the first 8 lines of this menu
// (except for key definitions)
" &Word Wrap Ctrl-W|wmwrap"
" &AutoIndent|wmautoi"
" &Variable Tabs|wmvtab"
" &Smart Tabs|wmsmtab"
" &Match Character|wmmat"
" &Backup|wmbak"
" &Translate Alt-F4|wmtran"
" Line &Draw Ctrl-D|wmdraw"
" Line St&yle.. |mens %LineStyle"
" Word &Processing.. |mens %WordP"
" Default File E&xtensions..|*askdefx"
" Bi&nary Line Length..|*askbin"
" Line De&limiter..|*askdlm"
" V&ideo Mode.. |mens %Fonts"
" Video To&ggle Ctrl-F1|*vfont %t"
" Save &Current Settings|setsav"
" &Restore Settings Alt-F2|setres"
" &Tab Width..|*asktabw"
" &Variable Tab Stops..|*asktabv"
" &Left Margin..|*asklmrg"
" &Right Margin..|*askrmrg"
" &Paragraph Indent..|*askind"
// Note: do not change this menu (except for key definitions)
" &Single|sdraws 0"
" Double &Horizontal|sdraws 1"
" Double &Vertical|sdraws 2"
" &Double|sdraws 3"
" &Eraser|sdraws 4"
" &Record Toggle Ctrl-R|krec"
" &Play Ctrl-E|kplay"
" &Erase Ctrl-I|kdel"
" Era&se All|kdel %a"
" Ope&n..|askkopen"
" Sa&ve..|askksav"
" &Assign to Key..|kcat"
" &Configuration..|opena %acfg"
" &Keys..|opena %akbd"
" &Menus..|opena %amen"
" Macro Comman&d.. Ctrl-V|askmcmd"
" R&un Macro..|askmrun"
" &Include Macro..|askminc"
" Compi&le Macro..|askmcom"
" &OS Command.. Alt-F9|*askoscmd %ck"
" OS Cap&ture.. Alt-F8|askoscap"
" OS S&hell F9|*osshell"
" Ordering &Information|hlp %I 1"
" &Getting Started|hlp 1 1"
" &Windows.. |mens %h2"
" &Menus|hlp 3 1"
" The Status &Line|hlp 4 1"
" &File Commands.. |mens %h5"
" &Editing.. |mens %h6"
" &OS Commands|hlp 7 1"
" Using Marked &Blocks|hlp 8 1"
" The &Clipboard|hlp 9 1"
" Folding Te&xt|hlp 10 1"
" &Search and Replace|hlp 11 1"
" &Printing|hlp 12 1"
" Setti&ngs.. |mens %h13"
" &Key Macros|hlp 14 1"
" Ot&her Commands|hlp 15 1"
" &The File Manager.. |mens %h16"
" Config&uration.. |mens %h17"
" Ke&y/Menu/Trans Config.. |mens %h18"
" &Appendix.. |mens %hA"
" &Quick Reference Shift-F1|qref"
// help submenus
" &Windows|hlp 2 1"
" &Learning to use|hlp 2 2"
" &Panning the Screen|hlp 2 3"
" Window &Styles|hlp 2 4"
" &Video Modes|hlp 2 5"
" P&rompts|hlp 2 6"
" &Create and Loading|hlp 5 1"
" &Saving and Discarding|hlp 5 2"
" &Other File Commands|hlp 5 3"
" &Finding your way around|hlp 6 1"
" &Scrolling|hlp 6 2"
" &Modifying Text|hlp 6 3"
" &Undo and Redo|hlp 6 4"
" &Window Settings|hlp 13 1"
" &Global Settings|hlp 13 2"
" &The File Manager|hlp 16 1"
" &Creating a Window|hlp 16 2"
" Changing the &Directory|hlp 16 3"
" &File Manager Commands|hlp 16 4"
" &Marking Files|hlp 16 5"
" &Sorting|hlp 16 6"
" Config&uration|hlp 17 1"
" &Video|hlp 17 2"
" &Mouse|hlp 17 3"
" Word Processin&g|hlp 17 4"
" &Default File Ext|hlp 17 5"
" &Open options|hlp 17 6"
" &Save options|hlp 17 7"
" &Editing Preferences|hlp 17 8"
" &Window Preferences|hlp 17 9"
" &Print Settings|hlp 17 10"
" Des&ktop Options|hlp 17 11"
" Memor&y Options|hlp 17 12"
" O&ther Options|hlp 17 13"
" C&haracter Sets|hlp 17 14"
" Te&xt Translation|hlp 17 15"
" Con&firmations|hlp 17 16"
" &Colors|hlp 17 17"
" &Borders|hlp 17 18"
" &Defining the Keyboard|hlp 18 1"
" &Key Function Names|hlp 18 2"
" Defining &Compound Keys|hlp 18 3"
" &Mouse Function Names|hlp 18 4"
" De&fining Menus|hlp 18 5"
" The Tool&bar|hlp 18 6"
" Te&xt Translation|hlp 18 7"
" &Command Line Options|hlp %A 1"
" &Performance Tips|hlp %B 1"
// pull-down menus for file manager windows
" &New Ctrl-N|newf"
" &Open.. Alt-E|askopen"
" Open &Binary..|askopenb"
" Open Las&t Alt-Z|openlast"
" &Parent Ctrl-Baksp|fpar"
" R&efresh|refresh"
" &Close Alt-Q|quit %p"
" Close &All Alt-X|gquit %p"
" Abo&ut..|about"
" &Restore|wres"
" &Move/Size Ctrl-F5|wkey"
" P&an Ctrl-F6|wkey %p"
" M&inimize|wmin"
" Ma&ximize Ctrl-Z|wmax"
" &Next Ctrl-A|wnex"
" &Prev|wpre"
" &List.. Alt-W|wlis"
" Ca&scade Shift-F5|wcasc"
" Tile &Horz Shift-F4|wtileh"
" Tile &Vert Shift-F3|wtilev"
" Pr&ompt Toggle|wppt"
" Mark &Toggle Space|fmtog"
" &Mark All Alt-M|fmrk"
" &Unmark All Alt-U|fumrk"
" &Open Enter,e,o,z|fopen"
" Open &Binary b,y|fopen %b"
" Open &Key Macro k|fopenk"
" &Move.. m|fmov"
" &Copy.. c|fcpy"
" &Delete Del,d|fdel"
" Re&name.. n|fren"
" &Run r|frun %c"
" &Print p|fprt"
" &Attributes.. a|fatt"
" &Touch t|ftch"
" Cr&eate Directory..|fcred"
" &Scan Files.. Ctrl-S|askscan"
" &Name Alt-N|fsrt %n"
" &Size Alt-S|fsrt %s"
" &Date-Time Alt-D|fsrt %d"
" &OS Default Alt-O|fsrt %o"
" File E&xtensions..|*askdefx"
" Bi&nary Line Length..|*askbin"
" L&ine Delimiter..|*askdlm"
" &Video Mode.. |mens %Fonts"
" Video To&ggle Ctrl-F1|*vfont %t"
" Save &Current Settings|compile %p"
" &Print Ctrl-P|print %d"
" Print &Formfeed|prtstr (byte 12)"
" Print &Settings..|*askprtset"